Saturday, October 20, 2007

Getting a Playstation 2

So i'm getting a Playstation 2 tommorow. Good news on that front. I know now you are all thinking: "Why diddn't you get a Pe es tree, nudhead." It's because:

1. PS2 only costs me 80€
2. I get about 10 games with it. (Half ps1 and half ps2)
3. Two controllers
4. A memory card
5. 100% Positive feedback from seller (no i'm not on ebay).

Nice deal I would say. Gotta thank Pyry for this one :D

Friday, October 12, 2007

Johannes Starts Photography

Hi everyone! I'm going to start taking pictures and leaving video making for a while (that is a few days until the next idea pops up!). But what I mean is that i'm going to start photography. I'm hopefully going to be bothered to set up the studio in the basement this weekend and be more "ideaful" with it this time. If I need to, I can get another worklight so the lighting will be in perfect balance. I also recently got into Photoshop CS 3 and therefore, I have been more into image making. Another main idea for this is because right now, I suck at picture editing.

If anyone has ideas related to photography, please leave a comment! I will read each one! Promise!

Johannes' Youtube Archive

Hi! This is my youtube archive that will be containing my videos, videos I like and some of my friend's videos that are obviously, on youtube.

All of my videos:

All of my favourite videos:

Hope you like my taste / videos!

New Style

As you can see, my blog uses a different template and logo. I'm quite pleased with the new look, seeing as the default one is too overused. I finaly have a blog that is different from the others in the "Pyry Olli Tony Oliver Sakari Johannes etc" group. :)

Hope you like the new look!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Helsinki Market Place

The product of a trip to Helsinki Market Place:

Please leave a comment! :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ipod Classic!

It's time for me to show off my brand new ipod classic (see image).
It has 80gb of space, ability to playback videos (which every ipod seems to be able to do now except shuffle) and 3 games. It has a load of stuff and I don't have enough music and video to fill it up :>. We ordered it from the internet so I got my name and country on the back.