Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ten Crazy Cars

I was looking at my Family's old webpage, when I found my own poem/song that I made in February 2003! Rate and comment! (Rememmber I was 7 when I wrote this :D)

Ten crazy cars

Ten crazy cars did a crazy crime.
One got chased and then there where nine.

Nine crazy cars going through a gate.
One got lost and then there where eight.

Eight crazy cars going to heven.
One suddenly crashed and then there where seven.

Seven crazy cars testing a new petrol mix.
One got blown up and then there where six.

Six crazy cars going for a drive.
One went the wrong way and then there where five.

Five crazy cars wanted to drive more.
One didn’t have any petrol and then there where four.

Four crazy cars going towards a tree.
One went kapluy and then there where three.

Three crazy cars going to Timbuktu
One got lost and then there where two.

Two crazy cars turned into a crumb.
One got repaired and then there was one.

One crazy car wanted to see mum.
He drove away and then there were none.

Johannes, February 2003